Who is a Manager? Qualities of a Good Manager

Qualities of a good manager

To be able to understand, comprehend, and communicate without any filters

Achieving the role of a manager signifies a culmination of effort and skill development. However, proficiency in one’s tasks doesn’t automatically translate to being an outstanding manager. Managing people requires the ability to inspire, motivate, and encourage others. The focus shifts from personal accomplishments to fostering an environment where each team member can contribute their best. In essence, managerial success extends beyond hard skills, delving into the realm of qualities that are not easily quantifiable – often referred to as “soft skills” or “interpersonal skills.”

These skills, crucial for effective leadership and performance management, are challenging to acquire because they evolve through observation, interaction, and collaboration with team members. They go beyond measurable metrics, encompassing intangible qualities of a good manager that can transform them into an exceptional leader.


1. Foster Inclusivity

Creating a diverse team hinges on cultivating an inclusive organizational culture. A positive work environment, where each team member feels respected and valued, naturally enhances employee engagement and productivity. Building emotional intelligence is key to achieving this, leading to improved collaboration, advanced interpersonal relationships, and enhanced communication. Techniques include open and honest conversations, regular feedback sessions, and recognizing and leveraging each team member’s unique qualities.

Pro tip: Establishing an inclusive environment is an ongoing process, requiring the establishment of group norms and participation in relevant organizational training.

2. Set Communication Norms

Project success often hinges more on effective communication than individual performance. Developing a communication plan for the team helps streamline conversations. This plan may involve using different channels for various purposes, such as Slack for day-to-day updates, Zoom for one-on-one meetings, and Asana for project management. Understanding your team’s communication preferences and seeking feedback ensures effective communication.

Pro tip: Regularly ask for feedback to gauge communication effectiveness and use performance reviews as opportunities for open dialogue.

3. Practice Active Listening

Active listening, a vital aspect of team management, involves fully understanding what others are saying. Prioritizing comprehension over personal thoughts or responses, using open-ended questions, and avoiding distractions contribute to effective active listening. This skill enhances communication, collaboration, connection with teammates, and the building of trust.

Pro tip: Active listening not only improves conflict resolution but also involves using “I” statements to center the conversation on personal experience.

4. Empower Your Team

A strong organizational culture is built on empowering and trusting the team. Delegating responsibilities, encouraging collaboration, and seeking feedback demonstrate trust. Acknowledging and supporting the team’s aspirations, along with taking responsibility for shortcomings, contributes to a positive work culture.

Pro tip: Support team members in creating professional development plans to foster their growth and align with their career goals.

5. Be Decisive

Effective decision-making is crucial for a manager. Coordinating with the team, informing them promptly, offering explanations, and giving time for processing contribute to conflict-free decision implementation. Utilizing frameworks and practices, such as data-driven decision-making models, enhances decision-making skills.

Pro tip: Regularly test different decision-making methods to find what works best for you and your team.

6. Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability involves taking responsibility for the team’s work, even if you didn’t directly contribute to it. Taking accountability builds trust, encourages experimentation, and fosters a culture of learning from mistakes.

Pro tip: Accountability is not just about taking the moral high ground; it is the quickest way to find solutions. Engage in problem management to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

7. Be Confident

Confidence sets the tone for the team and promotes followership. Identifying strengths, recording successes, and acknowledging tough situations contribute to building and maintaining confidence.

Pro tip: Show confidence in your team’s abilities, trust them with important tasks, and host regular 1:1 meetings to reinforce positive feedback.

8. Develop Adaptability

Managers must be adaptable in the face of change, ensuring both personal resilience and guiding the team through challenges. Embracing change, practicing mindfulness, and pushing beyond comfort zones contribute to adaptability.

Pro tip: Learning to be adaptable during stable times prepares for effective crisis management.

9. Know When to Push (and When to Stop)

Successful managers balance pushing the team to grow by supporting them in taking breaks. Clearly outlining expectations, setting deadlines, and incorporating flexibility into project calendars contribute to a balanced approach.

Pro tip: Schedule regular feedback sessions to create a safe space for open and honest communication.

10. Be Honest

Transparency builds trust with the team and holds the manager accountable. Scheduling regular feedback sessions and creating a safe space for open communication contributes to honesty.

Pro tip: Regular feedback sessions provide opportunities for constructive reviews, fostering a culture of honesty and continuous improvement.

In summary, cultivating a blend of interpersonal skills, decisiveness, and adaptability distinguishes exceptional managers. These qualities, encompassing inclusivity, active listening, and accountability, contribute to a positive work culture and sustained success. Adgcraft Communications understands the essence of effective leadership, helping leaders thrive through strategic communication and collaborative management practices.